Article, Pretty Papillion

Good morning,

I tried to take a few days off from thinking and writing about jewelry, but of course, I spent part of the time reading about jewelry online. Today I want to share with you an interesting blog entry at discussing the difference between a brooch and a pin with fun tips on how to wear a pin.

In addition, my thoughts on the questions posed in an earlier blog about the Nolan Miller Pretty Papillion pin are added below.

The blog/article is titled “EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WEARING PINS AND BROOCHES” by Nancy Plante written October 3, 2018. Plante jewelers is a family-owned fine jewelry business started in 1905.

The article begins by praising the versatility of pins.

Pins and brooches are always in fashion. They bring elegance and style to any ensemble.

Plante, October 3, 2018

I agree completely with this idea. Many of today’s jewelry designers don’t bother to make pins because they are deemed to be out-of-fashion. However, pins are by far my favorite type of jewelry to wear and collect…not because I’m old fashioned, although I likely am… but because pins are fun and easy to wear!

I wear my brooches with a t-shirt on my daily walks, to the grocery store, or at a dinner out. AND, I receive compliments on them from all age groups.

Good quality heavy pins have thick pin stems. The thick pin stem can leave visible tiny holes in the fabric, especially t-shirt fabrics.

The Plante article offers a great tip on how to secure a pin with a questionable clasp.

If you are not sure the clasp will hold, use a small rubber stopper from earrings. Push the pin through the fabric, put the stopper on, and then fasten the pin’s clasp. If the clasp opens, the pin will not fall off.

Plante, October 3, 2018

I would take this idea a bit further. First, have a jeweler tighten any loose clasp. In addition, I recommend adding the stopper on ANY valuable, difficult to replace pin even if the clasp is solid. I’m sure we have all had “adventures” with lost pins!

If you have time, consider reading all of the brooch/pin information in the article. It is a fun, read.

Change of topic:

In a previous blog, I posed a challenge to the readers who are following the design information in Collecting Costume Jewelry 404. I showed a photograph of Nolan Miller’s limited edition butterfly pin called the Pretty Papillion Pin and asked readers to test their design knowledge with five questions on the Papillion pin’s design.

First, there are no wrong answers. It is not a test, but a fun exercise. Today I want to post my personal answers to the five questions.

Question 1: How important is the shape of the design?

The jewelry “eye” recognizes the butterfly motif as part of nature and fully accepts the shape. The shape of this design follows the established butterfly shape the “eye” expects. The antennae are stalks with club type ends. The top wings and the bottom wings are attached. Of course, butterflies are colorful. In this case, the overall shape of the wings and body are irregular ovals.

Question 2: What role does line play?

Gold plated lines outline the shape of the wings and the shape of the dominate interior, resin/enameled element. This resin/enameled design element is the central point of focus. The “eye” recognizes the butterfly motif and is then drawn to the red/orange design element featured on each top wing.

Question 3: Is there a defined color scheme?

The three main colors in this design are the primary colors yellow, red, and blue. The dominate color is the red/orange enameled element. It is more powerful than the yellow/gold. Blue is used as an accent. Yellow, red, and blue together is one of the most popular color schemes in design. They appear with many variations of color value – shades and tints – but all three pure colors cannot be successfully combined together to form another color. Primary colors red, yellow, and blue together create a brownish, muddy mix.

Question 4: In what ways is this butterfly design distinctive and innovative in terms of design/construction?

The most innovative design element is the resin/enameled element. Otherwise, the pin is flat and constructed all in one piece.

Question 5: Is it symmetrical? Asymmetrical? Semi-asymmetrical? If asymmetrical, is it well-balance?

The overall design is symmetrical. If magically folded in half, both sides would be equal. The interior placement of the smaller stones is semi-asymmetrical. All of the colors and shapes appear on each wing, but not always in exactly the same position. The jewelry “eye” is comfortable with this design.

There is rain coming later in the week from hurricane Ian, but it is a lovely day today so I’m going for a walk. Please be safe as this storm passes. Hopefully no lives will be lost.

Happy Collecting,
