Good morning,
Joan Rivers information and jewelry has been added to Chapter Three of Collecting Costume Jewelry 404. Although I do not have a huge amount of Joan Rivers jewelry, I have a strong affection for her jewelry. I first learned that costume jewelry was signed from watching Joan River and Kathy Levine on QVC in the early 1990s.

Before the show ended, I started searching through my jewelry box for the lovely pieces my grandmother sent to me in the late 1960s. I was told at the time that they were good pieces (although not silver or gold) and I should take care of them. Well, I did. I found a Boucher bug pin, a Tortolani keystone cop pin, a Trifari bird, and a complete Krementz pearl set in its original box – all in beautiful condition.

My next step was to go to the bookstore (yes there were still local bookstores) and purchase a copy of Collecting Rhinestone & Colored Jewelry by Maryanne Dolan. This book is full of signatures. I carried it around with me for weeks, studying them. Somehow, I thought if I learned to recognize the signatures, the jewelry might magically appear.
Of course, the jewelry didn’t magically appear, so my next step was a trip to a local antique store (at this time most towns had one). I purchased a Sarah Coventry pin for WAY too much money! I still have it although even today it is not worth the price I paid. It has a great story, so I’m keeping it.
Then I ventured to the local flea market that was conveniently located a few blocks from my home. I quickly purchased a signed Weiss pin. For years after that first “jewelry” visit, I purchased any signed piece I could find – truly most were under $10 – just for the fun of researching the maker. My sweet children supported my new hobby and gave me one-dollar bills in my Mother’s Day cards! It was amazing what I could buy for a few dollars.
I’m a proud grandmother now but I’m still collecting and researching and enjoying this wonderful hobby…and it all started with a Joan Rivers show on QVC!
Happy collecting and a happy, safe holiday,