Donald Stannard worked with Kenneth J. Lane from 1968 – 1972 when he launched his own brand. He is known for bold designs created for Broadway, TV, movies, and for famous stars of the time. Often his jewelry is sculptural and eye-catching. His most famous designs include a large twin lion necklace and foo dog themed jewelry. The company closed in 2000. Donald Stannard died in 2006.
I’ve been collecting for over 25 years, but I have only one Donald Stannard piece in my collection. I purchased it from the family of a jewelry collector who passed away much too soon. She was a generous lady who had an encyclopedic knowledge of jewelry history and designers. I wish I had known her longer.
The Medusa necklace shown below will remain in my collection in her memory. It is a rare, eye-catching pendant with a fascinating motif.

In Greek mythology the Medusa is one of the three Gorgons. She is often shown as a beautiful woman with poisonous snakes for hair. Anyone who dares to gaze at her is turned to stone. There are many theories as to the underlying meaning of the Medusa. Most often she is regarded as a monstrous symbol of female rage for rape and unfair misogynistic treatment.
In the 20th century Versace, amazingly, selected the Medusa for his logo. Apparently, he played in Greek ruins as a child with the Medusa image in the ancient Greek floor. To clean up the monstrous image for modern use, the new mythology is that anyone who gazes at the Medusa falls in love and can’t look away.
In any case, this pendant was worn and enjoyed by the unknown original owner, collected by a wonderful lady I admired and respected, and, for now, has found a home in my collection. (I keep it in a box all by itself, so it doesn’t scare the other jewelry.)
Happy Collecting,