I want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season. Thank you for continuing to check my website. I’m amazed at the number of visitors I receive each day from all over the world. I have not written many new blogs the last few weeks because I’m working on adding two major brands to Collecting Costume Jewelry 404 early next year. I will post a blog about them when they are completed.
Since retirement, we do not decorate large trees for our home, but we do love to display a tabletop tree with Swarovski crystal snowflake ornaments. They are a yearly gift-tradition from our son, so we have a wonderful supply and treasure them all.
Each ornament, like snowflakes, is different. They are heavy Swarovski crystal with tiny date tags identifying the year. Ribbons usually blue, white, or green are provided to suspend the snowflakes from the branches. This year I changed the ribbons to red and added tiny red ornaments and jingle bells to coordinate with my red tablecloth.
The light from the window makes its way through the dangling crystals and projects tiny rainbows on the walls and cabinets. I hope in 2024 the pots of gold at the end of these rainbows will bring great joy, love, happiness AND sparkling jewelry treasures for costume jewelry collectors everywhere!
Happy Holidays,
P.S. I plan to wear one of my Miriam Haskell trees tomorrow! I have a sixth tree now. It is a duplicate of the top left tree. Goodness, I don’t need more than one in each design, but I find them hard to resist!